
Paedodontics evaluation

200 lei

Oral evaluation by specialist in paedodontics dr. Amiel Stroianu

250 lei


Happy Anesthesia DENTAPEN

90 lei/session
Nitrous sedation for children / session450 lei

Nitrous Sedation/session

MEDICATED LIGHT SEDATION (CONSCIOUSNESS) (may include inhalation sedation, as indicated by the pedodontist)

assisted by an ATI anesthesiologist for children

[Unique concept in Romania], made in conditions of maximum safety for the patient.

The patient IS CONSCIOUS and cooperative throughout the intervention.

1500 lei/session (between 30-45 minutes)


(treatment carried out EXCLUSIVELY in a pediatric hospital)

[Concept Unic in Romania], realizat in conditii de maxima siguranta pentru pacient

[Custom Price]

It will be established only after the specialist evaluation

Physiognomic Crowns Zirconium NuSmile USA800 lei
Professional brushing200 lei
Indicator of plaque + brushing (tablets GUM)250 lei
Ultrasonic scaling + professional brushing300 lei
Ultrasonic scaling + airflow350 lei
Airflow prophylaxis280 lei
Prophylaxis brackets (airflow + professional brushing)280 lei
Temporary teeth sealing200 lei
Permanent teeth sealing350 - 500 lei
Topical fluoride treatment200 lei
Fluoride treatment for home140 lei
Atypical obturation (pedo)390 lei
Permanent tooth filling390 lei
Incisal angle reconstruction (wax up/mock up)490 lei
Reattachment of tooth fragment490 lei
Ankylosed tooth extraction600 - 800 lei
Glassionomer filling

Composite filling frontal teeth

Composite filling lateral teeth

350 lei
Emergency treatment (temporary dressing/antibiotic dressing/endodontic drainage)250 lei
Temporary tooth extraction single root190 lei
Temporary tooth extraction multiple roots290 lei
Temporary tooth extraction for orthodontics400 - 600 lei
Extraction of mesiodens (supernumerary tooth) erupted500 - 2000 lei
Mesiodens extraction (supernumerary tooth) included750 - 2000 lei
Direct/indirect styling200 - 300 lei
Mechanical root canal treatment + calcium hydroxide
Mechanical root canal treatment + root canal filling
Root canal filling
Composite crown on temporary teeth500 lei
Composite crown on permanent teeth600 lei
Metallic crown (on temporary tooth)500 lei
Metallic crown (on permanent tooth)650 lei
Pulpotomy450 lei
Antibiotic dressing
Capping with MTA 490 lei
Periodic checkup200 lei
Permanent tooth replantation780 lei
Extraction of post-traumatic mobile tooth fragment
Pediatric Dentistry Treatments – Dr. Amiel Stroianu Israel 
Paedodontics evaluation by specialist pedodontist dr. Amiel Stroianu Israel250 lei
Periodic check-up by specialist pedodontist Dr. Amiel Stroianu Israel220 lei
Periodic check-up (includes professional brushing) specialist pedodontist Dr. Amiel Stroianu Israel350 lei

Nitrous Sedation/session dr. Amiel Stroianu Israel

Light sedation (consciousness) Medication assisted by an ATI anesthesiologist for children / session (may include inhalation sedation, as indicated by the pedodontist)

[Unique concept in Romania], done in maximum safety conditions for the patient. The patient IS CONSCIOUS and cooperative throughout the intervention.

1500 lei/session (duration between 30-45 minutes)

treatment carried out EXCLUSIVELY in a pediatric hospital

[Unique concept in Romania], done in maximum safety conditions for the patient.

[Custom Price]

It will be established only after the specialist evaluation

Temporary teeth sealing/tooth300 lei
Permanent teeth sealing/tooth400 lei
Extended Sealing 400 lei
Topical fluoridation – both arches300 lei
Glassionomer filling 400 lei
Physiognomic composite obturation front teeth380 lei
Physiognomic composite obturation lateral teeth420 lei
Amalgam filling – first degree lateral teeth150 lei
Amalgam filling – second degree lateral teeth180 lei
Amalgam filling – third degree lateral teeth220 lei
Temporary tooth extraction single root250 lei
Temporary tooth extraction multiple roots350 lei
Temporary tooth extraction for orthodontic purposes450 lei
Extraction for orthodontic purpose monoradicular tooth590 lei
Extraction for orthodontic purpose multiradicular tooth790 lei
Permanent tooth extraction480 lei
Extraction of post-traumatic mobile tooth fragment330 lei
Mechanical root canal treatment + calcium hydroxide400 lei
Root canal filling350 lei
Root canal treatment + root canal filling (pulpectomy)600 lei
Metallic crown (on temporary tooth)600 lei
Metallic crown (on permanent tooth) 790 lei
Physiological composite crown/temporary tooth600 lei
Physiological composite crown/permanent tooth650 lei
Physiognomic preformed crown700 lei
Ultrasonic descaling + professional brushing350 lei
Ultrasonic scaling + airflow 400 lei
Professional brushing250 lei
Capping300 lei
Capping with MTA 360 lei
Indicator of plaque + brushing (tablets GUM)250 lei
Pulpotomy500 lei
Incisal angle reconstruction (wax up/mock up)790 lei
Emergency treatment (temporary dressing/antibiotic dressing/endodontic drainage)390 lei
Reattachment of tooth fragment600 lei
Permanent tooth replantation700 lei