Ästhetik und Prothetik

Fully physiognomic Remanium metallo-ceramic (porcelain) crown2000 lei
Fully physiognomic Remanium metallo-ceramic (porcelain) crown on dental implant2000 lei
Final metal-composite crown on implant1900 lei
Fully physiognomic Au-Pt metallo-ceramic (porcelain) crown1000 Euro
Fully physiognomic Au-Pt metallo-ceramic (porcelain) crown on dental implant1000 Euro
Ceramic crown (porcelain) on Zirconium support made by computerized milling (CAD CAM) on natural tooth2500 - 3500 lei
Ceramic crown (porcelain) on Zirconium support made by computerized milling (CAD CAM) on implant2500 - 3500 lei
Full Zirconium crown made by computerized milling (CAD CAM)2500 - 3000 lei
Coroana ceramica e.max High Definition Aesthetic (German Dental Technicians)5000 lei
Customized Zirconium abutment on on dental implant250 - 400 Euro
Full ceramic crown (no metallic support) IPS e.max2500 - 4000 lei
IPS e.max Veneers 2500 - 4000 lei
Snap on Smile900 Euro/arch
OptraGate opener application50 lei
Temporary acrylic/composite/PMMA crown on natural tooth made in office or in the laboratory300 - 1000 lei
Temporary acrylic crown/PMMA on dental implant500 - 1000 lei
Temporary metal composite crown on a natural tooth650 lei
Final metal-composite crown on natural tooth1850 lei
Temporary metal-composite crown on implant750 - 1000 lei
Temporary metal-acrylic crown on a natural tooth550 lei
Metal and composite crown/PMMA on dental implant650 lei
Maryland type metal ceramic crown1500 lei
Cast metal crown 1850 lei
Composite reinforced work450 - 700 lei/tooth
Dental post removal on single root450 lei
Dental post removal on double root550 lei
Dental post removal on triple root650 lei
Dentatus removal100 - 250 lei
RCR (pivot) fiberglass/metal (laboratory)500 lei
RCR (pivot) fiberglass/metal (laboratory) on two roots600 lei
RCR (pivot) silger600 lei
RCR (Gold-Platinum)1200 - 2000 lei
Abutment restorations with Dentatus150 lei
Removal of works/natural tooth150 - 200 lei/tooth
Removal of works/implant200 - 500 lei/tooth
Indepartare lucrari realizate in alta clinica250 - 500 lei/tooth
Dental veneer removal250 lei
Study model (upper jaw + mandible)200 lei
Study model with removable abutment400 lei
Smile Design (Wax up/Mock up)/dental archthe price is determined according to the teeth number
Temporary composite dental veneers/tooth500 - 950 lei
Final composite veneer made by the layering technique1500 - 2500 lei
Bruxism trays300 lei
Occlusal raising splint200 lei
Acrylate bruxism tray 600 lei
Michigan tray800 - 1500 lei
Brux Checker (jaw + mandible) both arches300 lei
Ceramic inlay1500 - 1800 lei
Cementing crown for clinic’s patients60 lei
Cementing crown for clinic’s patients120 lei
Cementing crown for new patients200 lei
Ceramic work repair300 - 1000 lei
Prosthetic maintenance100 lei
Total fix screw retained prosthesis

Pieces for the fixed screw work/implant

7500 - 12500 lei

500 - 3000 lei
Prosthetic work TORONTO system (Titanium base and Composite crowns) on dental implants 10000 - 12500 Euro
Prosthetic work TORONTO system (Titanium base and Zirconium crowns) on dental implants11500 - 13000 Euro